Monday, January 26, 2009

My writing profile

Typed this up for my Research Writing class. The questions in quotes were in the writing prompt. Enjoy.

"How would you describe your writing habits?"

I'm certainly guilty of waiting just before the deadline to get to work, as is everyone, but I hope to work on that habit over the semester. As for my writing style, I've heard it described as conversational, sarcastic, and entertaining. Blame the blogging I've done for years...currently at I'm capable of translating my habits to different genres. I'm not going to write a blog entry the same way I write a news report.

"What do you like to read?"

As a journalism major, I read lots of news, because I'd hate to be ignorant of important current events. I also end up reading opinion pieces about such events. Such pieces are permutations of academic prose...they take others' material, come up with a thesis about it, and back it up. I hate it when they can't really back it up well. As for fiction, I'll read anything that doesn't put me to sleep in chapter one.

"What do you like to write?"

News, because again, people need to know this stuff. I'm not above doing lighter, Today Show type stuff though. People need their entertainment too.

I've been a musician for almost as long as I can remember, but it's only recently I started writing songs. That's how you learn how to appreciate amazing songwriters like Bob trying to do it yourself. It's not too often I get the inspiration to write a good one though.

Same with rants. I'm a blogger, of course I'll end up ranting somehow, and certain things just make me do it. Like seeing the Jonas Brothers on the cover of every magazine in the stand.

"What experience do you have as a writer?"

I've been comfortable enough with the writing process to pick a related profession as my major...not to mention doing tons of "outside" writing since middle school. You know...stuff you didn't intend for...or want...your teachers to see. Some particularly vulgar song lyrics I wrote come to mind. But these days I do tons of writing that wasn't for a class, between journalism, songs, and blogging.

I'd love to find out exactly when a semicolon comes in handy. When exactly should I use it instead of a comma or period? Kurt Vonnegut certainly didn't get it either.

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